Dec 02

Space Rocket History #353 – Apollo 16 – LMP Charlie Duke

“Roger, Twank…Tranquility, we copy you on the ground. You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue. We’re breathing again. Thanks a lot!,” Capcom Charlie Duke, Apollo 11 landing.

Nov 18

Space Rocket History #352 – Apollo 16 – Introduction, Crew Selection & CMP Ken Mattingly

cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am). Rene Descartes.

Nov 04

Space Rocket History #351 – Apollo 15 – First Deep Space EVA and Splashdown

As the red smoke cleared, Al saw widening holes in one of their parachutes, collapsing it into a useless strip of cloth. “We’ve got a streamer on one,” Al reported.

Oct 21

Space Rocket History #350 – Apollo 15 – Lunar Liftoff, Rendezvous and Docking – Tang Ceremony

On Hadley Plain, at 171:37 GET, right on schedule, Falcon’s engine lit, hurling the ascent stage upward in an impressive flurry of dust and debris, captured for the first time on camera and transmitted live to a world-wide audience.