Oct 11

Space Rocket History #449 – Apollo-Soyuz Test Project – Apollo-Salyut Test Mission Planning

The spacecraft designers led by Caldwell Johnson faced a demanding task. Director Gilruth urged them to accelerate the development of the docking adapter design, aiming to have a functional model ready for the upcoming November meeting with the Soviets.

Apollo-Salyut Hardware

Present & Future Docking System

Docking Module Concept Design

Sep 28

Space Rocket History #448 – Apollo-Soyuz Test Project – Soyuz/Skylab & Apollo/Salyut

Two options were presented: Apollo docking with Salyut/Soyuz or Soyuz with Skylab/Apollo. Caldwell Johnson was taken aback by the Soviets’ eagerness to immediately pursue the development of a universal docking mechanism.

Concept Apollo/Soyuz. Credit Astronomy.com

Concept Soyuz/Skylab

Concept Apollo/Salyut

Sep 14

Space Rocket History #447 – Apollo-Soyuz Test Project – Creating a Partnership

On January 20th, 1971 in private negotiation, Low and Frutkin met with Keldysh and Feoktistov to discuss rendezvous and docking. NASA proposed developing compatible systems for Apollo and Soyuz rather than future spacecraft, aiming to give specialists something concrete on which to work.

Academician Aleksandr Vinogradov, left, examines a lunar rock from Apollo 12

At the Soviet Academy of Sciences, the Soviet and U.S. negotiators face one another in January 1971

Academician Keldysh, right, headed the delegations and signed the agreements

Aug 30

Space Rocket History #446 – Apollo-Soyuz Test Project – Tell Us All Your Secrets

Lunney and his colleagues were especially captivated by the descriptions of the Soyuz control systems provided by Shatalov and Beregovoy. While immersed in the U.S. space programs, the NASA representatives could only follow the U.S.-U.S.S.R. competition through reports in American aerospace publications. However, this opportunity allowed them to hear firsthand accounts of the systems from individuals who had operated and flown the Soyuz.

Evolution of Ring and Cone Docking System

New Soyuz Docking Mechanism

Signing the agreement: L to R; Johnson, Hardy, Krimer, Frutkin, and Gilruth