Space Rocket History #378 – Apollo 17 – Moonwalk 3 – The Last Steps on the Moon

“As we leave the Moon and Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came, and God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind. Godspeed the crew of Apollo Seventeen.” – Gene Cernan’s final words from the surface of the Moon.

Split Boulder

Moon Rock at the Smithsonian

EVA Close-out



One thought on “Space Rocket History #378 – Apollo 17 – Moonwalk 3 – The Last Steps on the Moon

  1. Dear Mike, Thanks so much for the effort you put into your podcasts ! Your attention to the details are just what this listener wants. I sincerely hope you will continua w/ the progression of space exploration w/ your podcast. I hope you have Skylab on your radar, that’s always been interesting to me, especially Skylab II when the repairs were made to save the space station. Thanks again and good luck w/ you new home. I hope you are living it it soon.
    Terry A Beckham
    Birmingham AL