Mar 21

Space Rocket History #248 – Apollo 12 – Moonwalk 1 – Part 2 – ALSEP

According to the checklist, Bean was allowed 5 minutes to gain his balance and learn to walk on the Moon. Bean was amazed at his new buoyancy saying, “You can jump up in the air…”  But Conrad wanted to press on saying, “Hustle, boy, hustle! We’ve got a lot of work to do.”

TV camera pointed at the sun

Bean carrying the ALSEP

EVA 1 cuff checklist

Mar 14

Space Rocket History #247 – Apollo 12 – Moonwalk 1 – Part 1

“The old Surveyor, yes sir. It can’t be any more than 600 feet from here. How about that?” (Pete Conrad.)

Conrad on the LM ladder

Al Bean on the porch

Al Bean on the footpad

Mar 07

Space Rocket History #246 – Apollo 12 – Pin Point Landing Part 2 – Right Down the Middle of the Road

“Hey, there it is! There it is! Son of a gun, right down the middle of the road! Look out there! I can’t believe it! Fantastic!”  Pete Conrad when he saw his landing site.

From l to r, director of flight operations Chris Kraft, and flight director Gerry Griffin

Jerry Carr, capcom for Apollo 12 Lunar landing

Landing of Intrepid

Feb 21

Space Rocket History #244 – Apollo 12 – Lunar Orbit

At 83 hours mission elapsed time, the long lunar coast was almost over. It was time for the lunar orbit insertion burn. This burn would put Yankee Clipper and Intrepid into lunar orbit.

Earthrise from Apollo 12

Apollo 12 – Snowman landing site

Rough Moon topography