Dec 08

Space Rocket History #378 – Apollo 17 – Moonwalk 3 – The Last Steps on the Moon

“As we leave the Moon and Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came, and God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind. Godspeed the crew of Apollo Seventeen.” – Gene Cernan’s final words from the surface of the Moon.

Split Boulder

Moon Rock at the Smithsonian

EVA Close-out



Nov 24

Space Rocket History #377 – Apollo 17 – Moonwalk 1 & 2 – Orange Soil

“How can there be orange soil on the Moon?! (Pause) Jack, that is really orange.” Gene Cernan

“Strolling on the Moon One Day”

Orange Soil

Orange & Black Glass Spheres Returned from the Moon

Nov 10

Space Rocket History #376 – Apollo 17 – Moonwalk 1

Gene Cernan’s first words were “As I step off at the surface of Taurus-Littrow, I’d like to dedicate the first steps of Apollo Seventeen to all those who made it possible.”

Traverse Map

Setting up the Flag

Testing the Rover


Oct 27

Space Rocket History #375 – Apollo 17 – The Last Manned Landing

Gene had a deadlock visual on the landing site. He knew exactly where he was, and the LM had become part of him, responding to his wishes as well as his touch on the controls as they lowered closer to the surface.

View of the Landing site from the LM

Crater Galois at the far side terminator

Landing Site at Taurus-Littrow