Dec 11

Space Rocket History #92 – Soyuz Development – Part 1

Hey everyone. I have been sick for a week and unable to talk, without coughing up a lung.  But, I didn’t want you to miss your weekly dose of Space Rocket History.  My wife agreed to help me out with the vocal part of this episode.  This is her first podcast so please be nice to her.  Hopefully, I will be able to speak a complete sentence without coughing my head off next week.

I want to thank my wife, Caroline Annis  from the bottom of my heart for her help with this episode.

Soyuz Diagram

Soyuz Diagram

Soyus A

Soyus A

Soyuz A

Soyuz A


By Dave

By Dave

Dec 04

Space Rocket History #91 – The Death of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev – Part 3

Around noon on January 14th, Boris Chertok was alone in his office studying a folder of classified mail that had accumulated during the past few days. He had asked not to be disturbed. Suddenly his subordinate ran in and shouted, “Sergey Pavlovich died!”
Chertok responded “Are you out of your mind? Which Sergey Pavlovich?”
“Ours, our Sergey Pavlovich Korolev! His wife telephoned from the hospital!”
Chertok stood absolutely dumbfounded, having no idea what to do next. This can’t be! This really shouldn’t be happening! A few seconds later he called the Kremlin for verification.

Monument in Moscow

Monument in Moscow

Monument in Korolyov

Monument in Korolyov

Monument in Baykonur

Monument in Baykonur

Nov 26

Space Rocket History #90 – The Death of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev – Part 2

Sergei Korolev’s life paralleled in many ways the life of Wernher Von Braun. Like Von Braun, as a young man, Sergei Korolev was inspired to dedicate his life to the technology for space exploration after becoming acquainted with the work of a great space pioneer: Hermann Oberth in the case of von Braun, and Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in the case of Korolev. Both began their careers in space development through serious study, participation in amateur rocket societies, and then support from the military…

Korolev, Kurchatov, Keldysh

Korolev, Kurchatov, Keldysh

Yuri and Sergei

Yuri and Sergei

Vostok 1 Lauch

Vostok 1 Lauch

Nov 21

Location of Gemini Capsules

This is a list of the current location of Gemini Capsules.  It came from the website:  Please call before you visit to verify the capsule is still on display.