Jun 23

Space Rocket History #367 – Apollo 16 – Rendezvous, Docking, Ascent Stage Dump, Ken’s EVA and Lord of the Wedding Rings

The LM eventually crashed due to lunar gravity anomalies. Since Houston didn’t know exactly where it landed, it was not useful to calibrate seismic experiments on the surface. 

Jun 09

Space Rocket History #366 – Apollo 16 – Moonwalk 3, Lunar Olympics & Lift-off From the Moon

It was the only time in their whole lunar stay that Charlie had a real moment of panic and thought he had killed himself.

May 26

Space Rocket History #365 – Apollo 16 – Moonwalk 2 & 3 – “The Big Sneak”

The crew nicknamed this operation “The Big Sneak.” They figured the only way to do this was to approach from behind a big rock, then reach over and collect the sample.

May 12

Space Rocket History #364 – Apollo 16 – Moonwalk 2 – Evidence of Water

John and Charlie also collected several rusty-looking rocks with brown stains on their surfaces. These were exciting finds because the rusty appearance suggested the presence of hydrated oxides of iron. “Hydrated” meant water and the scientists had a serious interest in anything that could mean water had existed, or even still existed, on the Moon.