Jul 19

Space Rocket History #443 – Salyut 4 – The April 5th Anomaly & Soyuz 18 with Lazarev, Makarov, Klimuk, & Sevastyanov

Upon impact, the spacecraft sank into the soft snow but continued forward, rolling down the slope and gaining speed. As it neared a five hundred-foot cliff, the cosmonauts felt their hearts pound and adrenaline surge. 

Aborted Flight of Soyuz 18a-Credit RKK Energia

Cmd of Soyuz 18 Pyotr Klimuk

Flight Eng for Soyuz 18 Vitaly Sevastyanov

Jul 05

Space Rocket History #442 – Salyut 4 – Soyuz 17 with Gubarev & Grechko

The crew of Soyuz 17 embarked on a historic 29-day mission, surpassing the previous Soviet mission-duration record of 23 days set by the Soyuz 11 crew aboard Salyut 1 in 1971.

Soyuz 17 on Pad. Credit Space Facts

Flight Eng. Georgy Grechko

Cmd. Aleksei Gubarev

Jun 15

Space Rocket History #441 – Salyut 4

The Salyut 4 space station, designated DOS-4, marked the second phase of the Soviet Union’s civilian space station program. It was an improved version of the failed Salyut 2 station, with several notable enhancements.

Salyut Stations

Salyut 4

Salyut 4


Jun 01

Space Rocket History #440 – Salyut 3 – Soyuz 14 & Soyuz 15 Part 2

Initially, the rendezvous with Salyut 3 proceeded smoothly. However, as the Soyuz spacecraft approached the station, a critical problem arose. The Igla rendezvous system, designed to guide the spacecraft to the station, malfunctioned.

Salyut 3 cutaway

Gennady Sarafanov

Lev Dyomin