Jul 19

Space Rocket History #443 – Salyut 4 – The April 5th Anomaly & Soyuz 18 with Lazarev, Makarov, Klimuk, & Sevastyanov

Upon impact, the spacecraft sank into the soft snow but continued forward, rolling down the slope and gaining speed. As it neared a five hundred-foot cliff, the cosmonauts felt their hearts pound and adrenaline surge. 

Aborted Flight of Soyuz 18a-Credit RKK Energia

Cmd of Soyuz 18 Pyotr Klimuk

Flight Eng for Soyuz 18 Vitaly Sevastyanov

Mar 15

Space Rocket History #435 – Soyuz 12 & 13

This second generation of the Soyuz spacecraft, the Soyuz 7k-T was flown on Soyuz 12 through Soyuz 40 missions from 1973–1981. The new 7K-T spacecraft was designed to accommodate only two cosmonauts who would wear pressure suits at all times during launch, docking, undocking, and reentry.

Soyuz 12 Crew with Pressure Suits

Soyuz 13 Crew with Pressure Suits

Soyuz 13 Crew with Pressure Suits


Orion-2 Observatory